This contract on speaking activities is entered into pursuant to Art. 51 of the Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended (“Contract”) by and between
EBC-Slovakia s.r.o., seated at Vajnorska 100/A, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovakia, organization ID 45867232, registered with the Commercial Register of District Court in Bratislava I, section: S.r.o, file no. 67976/B (hereafter referred to as “EBCG”)

    (hereafter referred to as “the Speaker”) together referred to as the “Contracting Parties” with the following terms and provisions:

    1. Opening Provisions

    1.1. The scope of business of EBCG is organizing conferences and trainings. The professional quality of the events organized by EBCG is supported by participation and presentations of experts in the field.

    1.2. With regard to the knowledge and experience of the Speaker, EBCG offered the Speaker to speak at (further as ’Conference’) which will be held onin. The Speaker accepted this offer.

    1.3. The contract of the Speaker to lead the Conference is subject to proven detention by sickness, accidents or any other legitimate condition beyond control. If this occurs the Speaker is obliged to find another adequate speaker for the Conference or to return in full the expenses related to his/her speaking activities paid by EBCG prior and/or during the Conference along with a withdrawal penalty of twenty percent of the full sum of payments.

    2 Scope of Speaking Activity

    2.1. The purpose of activity of the Speaker is to speak at the Conference.

    2.2. The Speaker undertakes to present his/her speech in person, in due time and manner and at the required professional level.

    2.3. The Speaker is also obliged to prepare study materials in the scope of the presented topic in a single copy and to deliver them to EBCG in electronic form no later than 15 days before the Conference date for the purpose of their graphic layout, printing and copying for the participants at the Conference.

    3 Costs

    3.1. The Speaker and EBCG have agreed that the Speaker will purchase the flight ticket from to and EBCG will reimburse the flight expenses up to the value of € within 30 days from receipt of flight ticket after the conference. (Alternative text: EBCG undertakes to book the flight ticket prior to the conference and inform the Speaker about flight details).

    3.2. EBCG will book and cover nights’ accommodation in check-in: , check-out:

    4 Liability

    4.1. EBCG shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of this agreement or the services provided hereunder, including but not limited to damages for lost profits, loss of use or any damages or sums paid by the Speaker to third parties, even if EBCG has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

    4.2. In making arrangements with third parties for carriage by air, hotel, accommodation, transportation, restaurants or otherwise, EBCG acts only as the agent of the Speaker and does so on the express condition that no liability of any kind howsoever caused shall attach to EBCG in connection with or arising out of such arrangements. In the event that EBCG is found liable to such third parties, the Speaker agrees to indemnify EBCG to the extent of such liability.

    5 Final Provisions

    5.1. This Contract becomes valid on the date of signature by both Contracting Parties.

    5.2. This Contract can only be modified on the basis of an affirmative written display of will of the parties hereof.

    5.3. This Contract is done according to Slovak law and all rights and duties of the Contracting Parties not regulated by this Contract shall be governed by relevant provisions of the Commercial Code and other law at that time valid in the Slovak Republic. The Contracting Parties have agreed that any disputes that can occur between them in relation to this Contract, including its interpretation and relevance, will be decided by Slovak courts.

    5.4 The Contracting Parties declare and guarantee that they enter into this Contract freely and seriously, without mistakes, that they have read and signed this Contract and have fully understood it before signing it.

    In on

    In Bratislava, Slovakia on

    Speaker’s Co. Name

    EBC-Slovakia s.r.o

    Speaker’s name

    Roman Slovinec, ED

    By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions, which shall take effect immediately after submitting this form.

    The company’s ID No. 45867232, Tax No. 2023126281, VAT No. SK2023126281

    The company is registered in the Commercial Register of Bratislava 1 District Court, ref. No. 67976/B, Section: Sro.